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Ingat pria fenomenal ini?! [bukan karena dia ketemu hantu ato berani makan cacing hidup a la fear factor yah..]
Pasti ingetlah ya...segitu tampangnya ada dimana-mana sekarang.
You know wat?! Di salah satu majalah tanah air ada cover Adjie Massaid dengan tulisan : "BACHELOR OF THE YEAR". [Oh my...he's really a yummy bachelor, that's what i say.]
Gue inget banget, betapa dulu suka banget liat dia di sinetron "Buku Harian" yang ceritanya asik banget, there he looked very handsome + irresistable.
Belum lagi gayanya kalau jadi foto model, gak berkesan seperti -pembaca-hayang-nabok-ente-pake-palu-godam. Duh...ganteng deh!!
Gue inget banyak yang patah hati ketika mas Adjie ini memutuskan married ama Neng Reza yang baru dipacarin berapa lama sih? Gak nyampe sebulan aja [as far as i remembered, maklum bukan ratu gosip]. Dan mereka gak pernah kena gosip sama sekali, anaknya lucu-lucu pula...
Tapi tanpa disangka dan dinyana, mereka harus ceré juga.
Mau tau kutipan dari mas Adjie tentang kehidupannya sekarang after being a bachelor?!
"I feel numb. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I more not agree with what I heard. More wisely to put yourself in that position rather than play with your feeling. You promise a lot of things to your own feeling. Maybe you also have to lie. You put yourself in the numb position but you also have to have destination. I don't know why... maybe it's a kind of expression. Now I know the meaning of reading a book, it's not a novel that you read and then you dream about it. But this is a book that gives you knowledge, a political view, and you take good things of it."
Dia juga bilang,
"What is pureness, dear?! Love? I thought love is pure. I don't believe in love anymore."
Geez...what love has done to this man.
Gue gak mau kayak gitu...!!!