Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Diabaikan sebenarnya gak enak. Tapi mohon maaf nih untuk blog tercintaku, sang master lagi belum berminat untuk mengetik2 ngisi blog.

Lagi lebih semangat untuk masak buat si mas tercinta, bobo siang dan bobo cepet di kala summer, lagi seneng sepedaan dengan sepeda barunya, lagi seneng kipas2 karena summer yang sangat panas, dan tentunya lagi seneng belanja karena summer sale, and last but not least mau gak mau lagi harus ngetik buat desertasi.

Maafkan aku mengabaikanmu..nanti deh...janjiku...janjiku...aku akan ngisi kamu begitu desertasi udah dikumpulin. Hehehehehe....janjiku bukan palsu!! Hahahahahaha...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I am home...baby..

Finally, today I am going back home to UK. A bit nervous, thrilled, anxious, u name it...

Well, actually...I couldn't help but wonder to think more about the word "home". It's funny when I said to my mum, that I am going back home. And she replied by saying : "isn't this place a home for you?". It shocked me a bit, because suddenly I considered UK as my home. :)

What is home exactly for you? Some place where you can meet your parents regularly? A place where your heart land? Or some place which you can spend your time with someone special? Or just to feel comfortable? I guessed everybody will have a different paradigm about the word "home". As for me, home is the place where I can be myself, I can acquired what I want and surrounded with true friends.

Anyway, what I want to stress out is I am impatient to go to UK and meet with my bf. :p

Hang on there baby, I am home...!!!!