Monday, August 29, 2005

Wide Open Beach

Walked on the beach on Sunday afternoon...
Seen couple of things
Sunny day,
Great day...

Saw 'sandy' Harry Potter and his 'Patronus' on the Beach

Saw a man sat alone on the beach

Saw a sunset

Saw a future

then...try to saw my lovely boyfriend...

Mais je n'est pas...
C'est ne pas possible...

Bewildered Beach...
Yes, you are...

[Bournemouth, Poole, Pier]

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Choosing a printer for MAC was completely not an easy job!! Especially if you lived in a country that used Microsoft, instead of MAC, for their software. I thought it was going to be piece-of-cake job to choose a printer, since i did it before (but for PC-Microsoft). I already went to Staples, a big computer/electronic store near my house (which has recommended by many Indonesian people here). But their answer was shocked me, because the employee said that : "none of this printers compatible with MAC, sorry". I was like having a heart attack when I heard that words. What can a not-techno girl do about this sort of thing?! Who the hell am I? Bill Gates? How do I know which printer will be compatible for my laptop!!

So...with full of revenge and angry, I spent days to days to research which printer could compatible with my 'lovely' Power Book G-4 Apple, and finally found several good printer with reasonable prices. But here comes another problem...where is my software CD for my Apple???!!! F*%K...i leaved it at Indonesia...

Then, i called my boyfriend to ask about it, but he said that i already put it on my baggage. I checked dozen times to search that tiny thing, but...i came up with empty hands. Hiksss....Where is it?! *panic mode*. At the same time, i sent sms to my brother, ask for his help to check it at mum's and dad's house. But...there's no CD!! Not in every single room, and every inch of the house. leaved me a BIG question..."How did it gone?!". I never touched it or used it, ever!! It just suddenly dissapeared and leaved no traces. Oh God...why..oh why...

In desperate search of the CD, i kept going on searching for the right printer and where i could by it. I went to the library to ask IT department, and they give me the name of a good store. So...i went to the store and the owner gave me an advice and another recommendation. He told me that i have to choose the big printer. Well, i don't need big and fancy printer that can scan and copy and whateverrrr...i don't have any company!!! I'm just a humble and regular student who just want to print some assignments!! That's it difficult?! It probably is...

*Sigh* After quick visit to the store, I decided to do another research or...should i say..spy about the price of printer ink. Then i realised that Canon ink was cheaper compared to HP and Epson. So....i changed again my decision on the printer and do research about Canon printer. And thank God...i managed to found the printer that live up with my expectation. In rushed, i went to the same store and ask them to check the price. After more than 2 weeks from my last visit, i decided to buy the printer. Finally...!! Pfiuh...

Right now i'm still waiting for the printer come, and knock my wooden door. Oh...whatta weeks...just to find a single printer for MAC.

Stupid MAC...(wopps...!!)

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Potter, Harry

It is unusual for me to finish Harry Potter in a couple of day. Normally, it only tooks me a day to finish it. But because of this servant/student life in Bournemouth, i had to deal with time. But finally, in this very day, i finished Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Never thought that the great Albus Dumbledore will die in this story (feel sorry for those who hasn't read the book, but then revealed the mystery from my blog). Two thumbs up for the author due to her braveness killing the important character of the story - the Headmaster of Hogwarts. I almost cried in the end of the page, because i still couldn't believe that the loveable and wisest Dumbledore died tragically at his colleague's hand. The next book will not going to be same, especially without the presence of the Headmaster which i loved so much.

My first reaction after finished reading it was a little bit up-set, because i thought it was going to be a good ending. Since it has always had a good ending, and it also a book for child. No child book ended up with tragedy!! :) Hard to refuse bad things happened along the story. Hehehehe, i'm so naive!! But it was so amusing to read Harry's and Ginny's love story, and i like it. The thrill and the joy between them made me remembered myself and my boyfriend, and those 'funny' love feeling on the air that i normally have whenever i'm with my bf. Make me missing him more than ever.

Can't wait to see the movie...!!! Wish i can do magic for myself. It will probably fun to "Apparate" myself to my boyfriend's house and give him a little kiss on his cheek and lips.

So...who doesn't love magic?!

Finally...Relaxed With Firework + DVD

Finally, after a week full of torture and what-so-called nearly insane, i could collect the homeworks (big thanx to my lovely bf). Although in the end of it (which is today), i'm not satisfy with the counseling. I thought Mark (the lecturer) will carefully seen how my argument had been made towards the paper and how my critical thinking used over it. But noooo...he just wanted to see our writing style, regardless the fully effort that we've put on it. Oh my....!!! I'm beginning to see myself as a volcano,'s good that i can overcome that feeling. The good thing though, i see the world more happily and 'lighter' after that hellish homework. (Ok...enough with the English...have to much English today..., hehehehe...)

Dan berbelanjalah diriku ke supermarket. Udah 2 minggu gak ke supermarket, masih ada beberapa makanan yang bisa dimasak sih...tapi...rasanya seneng aja bisa belanja. Langsung membabat 2 supermarket, duh..seneng deh bisa ngabisin duit tanpa harus mikir datengnya dari mana. Hohohohohho...(thanx dad!!!). Malemnya cukup melihat firework dari kamar, karena males keluar kamar dan jalan ke pantai. Sebenarnya sih, di Bournemouth selalu ada kembang api tiap hari Jumat malam selama summer. Only 10 minutes, but i think all the people in Bournemouth went to the beach at that time. And i finally managed to take some pictures of the cherish fire works...yippy!!!

Lucunya...secara baru kali ini memotret kembang api, dan dari dulu gue selalu payah akan perhitungan fisika dan matematika, jadi gue agak2 susah memperkirakan saat yang tepat untuk mencet shutter-nya demi mendapat gambar kembang api yang benar. Jadinya suka telat, begitu shutter-nya dipencet, kembang apinya dah menjadi serpihan2...Dan ini gambar awal2 gue ambil kembang api :

Tapi akhirnya setelah menghabiskan beberapa percobaan, ada beberapa gambar yang...yahhhh...cukup berhasil kalau dari sudut pandang gue yang bukan seorang fotografer profesional, hehehehehe...

Dan tanpa menyerah terus...dan terus...dan terus...mencoba... do enjoy the picture (for those who reading this blog), and...finally...come to the big show...

Setelah puas melihat kembang api dari jendela seorang anak asrama kampus, suddenly temen satu flat gue ngajak buat nonton dvd sambil makan pop corn. Awalnya berencana untuk nyewa dvd, tapi dibatalkan, karena gue bilang ma mereka kalau gue kemaren2 beli dvd seharga 8,99 pounds, tapi belum juga decided to watch my dvd :

Sepanjang nonton film itu, kita serius banget nontonnya, sambil kadang ketawa2 terus...karena Deniz, sering banget gak ngerti dialognya. Dan selesai menonton jam 1 malam, dengan ending yang unpredictable. To quote from Bora (the other flatmate) : "this movie told us about love. You should exactly know who is chasing and loving you, not the other way, to get the benefit". Whilst Deniz, still confused, but she said that she DID like the movie. As for me, hem...not has been such a long time i haven't seen dvd movie. Hehehehehe...mahal bo' belinya...!!!

So, to end this perfect day, i wrote this blog, just to share it with somebody. I love this Friday!!! Hopefully, everyday is Friday!!

Have a nice weekend...

Monday, August 15, 2005 SHELL !!

Curse on you SHELL and Sony Ericsson...

May SHELL's case study rest in peace....and Sony Ericsson as well.

Go To (S)HELL...

Headache...!! Because of this crazy case study about Shell and Sony Ericsson. Mana gue ngarti!! Secara gak pernah belajar marketing aja gitu yah!! Buta...!! I hate this homework!! This is the first i really hate homework. FUCK!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Berhubung gak bisa langsung tidur setelah pulang dari Richmond Pub demi merayakan ulang tahun teman asrama, akhirnya memotret2 diri sendiri buat dikirim ke kekasih tercinta. Hehehehe...

Tapi, sebetulnya kalau dipikir2 jarang2 seorang Ica Jawa gak bisa langsung tidur. Dulu pernah dapet julukan tukang molor waktu ada perpisahan kelas 3 sma. Sebetulnya sih karena kalau tiap gak ada guru, gue lebih memilih tidur di kelas dibandingkan pergi ke kantin. Selain hemat duit, juga gue gak mengganggu orang, gak berisik gitu...(coba dikesampingkan pikiran ngorok dari benak sodara2). So, mungkin dari situ mereka berasumsi kalau gue suka tidur. Tapi sebetulnya sih...gue bisa aja gak tidur selama 2 hari kalau lagi ngerjain sesuatu. Tapi intinya adalah, once ma head meet the lovely pillow, i can easily sleep. Dan kasus kemaren itu agak2 aneh. Kalau kata temen asrama aku, karena gue gak minum alkohol, jadi bawaannya sadar terus. Tapi yahhhh....mau digimanain lagi, memang lagi nasib buruk aja kali.

Kalau diliat dari kamus yang baru gue beli [Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary World Bestseller seharga - 18,50 pounds], kata insomnia adalah = [North American English, noun, Uncountable] the condition of being unable to sleep. Kira2 apa yah penyebabnya?! Kebanyakan makan cheesecake kali yah...(objek penderita = saya).

Oh well, ya penting akhirnya bisa tidur juga setelah jam 4 pagi, dan...hehehehehe...malu juga nih mengakuinya. Akhirnya melakukan shalat subuh pertama kali setelah menginjakkan kaki di Bournemouth. Suka labas sih subuhnya, disini matahari terbit jam 5 bo'!!! Kalau di Indonesia-kan jam 6, jadi jam 6 kurang dikit masih dikejar subuhnya. La gue disini sering bangun jam 6, udah gak valid deh. Hemmm...mungkin itu sebabnya why GOD punished me...bikin gue shalat subuh dengan cara membuat gue insomnia. Oh no...!!

I promise GOD...I will do all the prayer...esp. the subuh one.