Looking Back The Time
Laptop Tragedy
I suddenly spilled water on my laptop, luckily it wasn't on. When d accident happened, me and Nino quickly removed the glass and wiped dry my laptop. He asked whether I have a hair dryer or not, but I didn't have any. However, since I felt dat the water was not spill directly over d keyboard, I thought it wasn't a problem. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case in the morning when I tried to turn it on. I heard unusual sound from ma laptop, and suddenly d monitor goes white, and then half of it went purple, and completely black!!! Then...my laptop died!!
*panicked mode*
Tried to turn it on again, but it didn't react anything. Huhuhuhu...I almost burst ma tears, because all of my assignments was on d harddisk (although I have back up, but...my laptop is also a brand new one, it is not even 6 months. Ma dad will kill me!!!). In that moment (panic, confused, desperate, u name it!!), suddenly Akul called me, and he really called me at the right time!! Still in panic voice, I explained to him dat I had problem with ma laptop. I could sense that he tried to calm me down, and said that he would b in ma room ASAP. While waiting for him, I tried desperately to turn it on (again!), but it was useless.
Shit...! (excuse ma language)
Akul came, and asked how it happened. So, I told him dat last nite I spilled water on it. He asked d same question like Nino, "Do u have hair dryer?!". I gave him d same answer. "No..." (at dat moment, I realise how important a hair dryer is if you have laptop). He told me to borrow from Deniz. Quickly, I knocked Deniz's room. No answer. Then I knocked A's room. She opened it, and I could tell dat she just woke up. I don't care d manner, cuz on ma mind...I should immediately borrow her hair dryer.
Akul turn on d hair dryer, and dried ma laptop. While he's doing it, I yabbered a lot about how important ma laptop is. I kept on chatter about how many pictures I had in ma harddisk, not including d song, datas, CVs, d assignments, and so on..so on...He listened to me patiently and rub ma back to calm me down. I was very close to cry ma tear out. After almost 20 minutes he dried ma laptop, he tried to turn it on. No reaction. At all...
Both of us tried for another several minutes. At dat time, I already gave up. But Akul then took out d battery and dried it also. Then, he tried again...
Well, he then said to me that tomorrow I should just go to IT department in d library and asked their help. I nodded. When Akul just about to leave, suddenly I heard a sound from ma laptop, and it was ON...!!
Oh sweet heaven...thanx u God...!!!
Akul then checked all d things, and made sure dat everything was fine. He told me not to turn it off, and I still should bring it to d library for further check. I was so thrilled and happy, and bluntly gave him a kiss on d cheek.
That's one story...and I also have another hillarious story with him.
Assignment Deadline
As usual, Akul is always helping other classmate who need some enlightment for d assignment. This story took place one day before d submit day [16 December 2005]. Luti was so desperate about Corporate Strategy's assignment. Akul told him to come to Cranborne House. While Akul helped Luti in his room, I was struggling to finish ITV. At 3 in d morning, Akul came to ma room, and done some printing. He finished it all. An hour later, both of 'em came to ma room. Luti printed d other assignments, and it was so funny. Because Akul was so fussy about Luti's stuff, i.e "do u already put d page number?! Did u put ur name clearly?! Bla..bla.." (Believe me, Akul was acting like he was Luti's mother. Hihihi...it was really funny!). One thing dat I remembered d most was when Luti said : "Relaxxxxxxxxx...mannnn...!!!". Ok, Luti finished printing. Both of 'em went back to Akul's room. If I'm not mistaken, it was 5.30 in d morning.
At 11.00 pm, Luti came and print d last assignment. Ok ... we only got 1 hour to submit those crazy tasks (d deadline is 12.00pm). Me and Luti went down and picked up Akul. I thought dat Akul was not coming, since Luti's car is only for 2 seaters. But, he insisted to come cuz he wanted to hand in the assignment by himself. Well...here's d hillarious thing...
I sat on Akul's lap otw to campus from our dormitory.
We kept laughing along d way, because it is illegal to do dat!! I am so afraid dat a policeman could stop us and gave us fines.
Ok, here's d big picture. Luti was d driver, and Akul sat on d seat, then I sat on his lap. I pulled out d safety belt, and trust me...it was not nice...but funny at d same time. Akul is a very thin man, while me...hehehehe...well, u can just tell from ma pict. I tried not to put all ma weight on his lap, because I don't want to torture him, but it was really hard to do dat, because Luti was driving like a MANIAC..!!! D road was a little bit traffic, and we really afraid to come late. So, I understood completely why d car was running so fast. We arrived at d university around 11.30.
30 minutes left..!!!
Not to mention, we still had to walk to the assignment room. But we made it...!!!!
Indian Cooking
There was also a time when Akul cooked for me, when I came back late from d library. I remembered he called me around 8.30pm, and asked where am I. When I said dat I was waiting for d bus to come back home, he then asked whether I already had ma dinner or not. When I said "no", he said dat he would cook something for me. Yeee-haaa..!!! What a blessing!! Cuz he's really a good cooker...!!! I remembered when he invited me to his b'day party, he cooked for me and Deniz. And I kept on eating and eating..and..eating...!!
King Kong Movie
Ha!! This one is quite funny. Me, Nino, Akul n Meghna went to cinema together. It turned out dat Akul hate d movie sooo...much!! During d movie, he kept on saying : "oh..give me a break". And I could see dat his eyes were half closed when he watched d movie. When we finished watching it, he asked whether he could have a refund-ticket. Hahahaahhahaha...crazy bastard!! He was so dissapointed dat he walked very fast otw back home.
Hem..hem...the thing dat adhered in ma mind was everytime he called me or come to ma room and with his unique accent yelled : "Nissssssaaaaaaaaaaaaa....". And then followed by : "do u have any new DVDs? New books?", and other questions.
And other things dat I can't mention here...cuz it would be a very..very long post.
Akul actually change ma prejudice about Indian people (well, it is based from ma best friend stories who always had bad experiences with Indian people).
Here my picture with him at ma b'day party (how lucky he is, surrounded by 2 girls..!!!)

Overall....I am lucky to have a friend like him.
Help me a lot ...
Cheer me up a lot, and ...
Teach me lotsa things.
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