Thoughtful Thing
This week will be my last lecture for my course. :(
Phewww...time is running so fast, isn't it? Like a blink of an eye. I didn't realise that the course is going to be over, and the last thing we abide to do is dissertation.
Last week, one of my closest course-mate (Akul) gave me a letter. He also gave different letters to each of his course-mate. I thought it wasn't something special, but my guess was wrong. For me, it's the nicest and thoughtful thing dat someone can do at the end of the term.
Without further a due, here's the insight of the letter :

I have probably interacted with you the most from all the people on the course and have always been astounded by your willingness to help those around you. Frankly, if it was not for your printer and all those amazing books you kept and your thorough research on what expected in each assignment, I would not have seen the light of Term 2. You are my den official guide to getting thru MABFM in Bournemouth University.
I thank you for bringing your experiences insights and views into the course and I am save that in the end, they will be more valuable than the piece of paper that BU hands out to me.
You are cheerful, hard working and intelligent girl who endear all around her. I am sure your will and determination will take you where your heart desires. And Amen!! to that.
Geographically you are my next door neighbour and I will be surprised if you don't visit India. And when you do, I will not let you stay anywhere except my house. You have no choice in it!!
I am putting down at the end of this letter my contact details which are about as permanent as I can give now.
Never ever hesitate to give a shout for whatever reason, or for that matter, for no reason at all!!
All the best for whatever you choose to do in life and keep the faith...
Akul's signature
To be continue...

waw, how lucky you are ca...
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deeuuuu seneng bangett kayaknya dipuji akul hahahahh ampe ditaro di-blog segalaa waheuahwuheuwhewuheauheuawheuaheuahuehauehwuehwauhewauheauwheuaheuehuawheuaheuhauheuahweuwheuwheuwheuawh
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