Iseng pt.2
Kalau kemaren2 iseng pengen tau diri gue merepresentasikan genre film apa, sekarang iseng pengen coba tes lain.
Gak tau kenapa jadi demen gitu, ngisi2 kuesioner dari Tickle.
Ok, kali ini judulnya : "WHAT IS YOUR TRUE COLOUR?"
And d answer is completely out of ma prediction, cuz d result is :

You're a bold, confident orange. A warm, powerful color that indicates a strong, welcoming personality, orange is the mark of people who are social and extroverted by nature. Vibrant, with an upbeat attitude, you have a bright, inviting demeanor. Energetic and fun-loving, you're a real friend-magnet. Your easy charm and unassuming manner make you the sort of person people want to meet and get to know better. Well-rounded and fun to be around, you enjoy helping others, so it's no surprise that orange also symbolizes attraction. Orange is an extraordinary color — for an extraordinary person.
Note = hem...hem...hampir bener sih penjelasannya, tapi kenapa ya warnanya harus orange?! Wah, jadi inget tadi sepatu warna orange yang dipake Galuh...lucuuuuuuuuu...!! Eh, apaan sih...gak nyambung gini. Huahahahaha...
Ya sutralah, ini posting gak penting. Hihihihi...cuma lagi pengen nulis aja di blog. Banyak yang mau diceritain, tapi satu per satu deh...
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