[JCC stands for "Jamie Cullum's Concert"]

1. Woke up late.
(My boyfriend supposed to wake me up at 6.30am, but he miss-called me at 8am. But I didn't blame him, it was my fault anyway...)
2. Panicked.
3. Jumped from the bed.
4. Took quick shower.
5. Called Galuh.
6. Deniz knocked ma door. Oh my God...she was ready...(she just told me that she wanted to go early because she wanted to take money 1st). *nodded at her*
7. Called Nina that I will go downstair.
8. Suddenly had a nature call...mayday..mayday...I should go to the bathroom...So..i called Nina.
9. Finished the business. :p
10. Waited for Galuh.
11. Nervous...."Where is she?"
12. Deniz called from the train station.
13. Walked very fast to the train station.
14. Bought breakfast (good croissants!!)
15. Off we go...to Brighton.
16. Stopped at Clapham Junction. Got confused. Didn't know which platform we were supposed to be.
17. Nina and Galuh asked the information desk.
18. Got it!!! Platform 9!!
19. Went to Brighton...
20. Jamie Cullum...here I come...!!!
21. Picked up by a very nice girl name Oki. But then...we called her "Mbak Ria".
22. Walked around Brighton. Lovely city...i loved it very much...passed a busy flea market. Almost like Paris with their narrow streets. Took photograph in front of the "Pavilion" (looked like a mosque).
23. Stopped @ Chinese Restaurant. (Met with France girl named Julie. Nice girl..)
24. Had an orgasm (:p) because of the spicy and delicious foods. We ate "Kangkung Belacan.." (Oh God...how I miss that veggie..!!). We ate like an animal, huahahahhahaha....
25. Walked to Mbak Ria's place. Put the bag.
26. Exchange the Jamie Cullum's ticket.
27. Stride down the street. Shopping spree...
28. Got nothing...:(
29. Stopped @ Starbucks [Frappucino Caramel Blended w/ Whip Cream]. Chatted with Deniz while waiting for Galuh and Nina.
30. Went to a shop, desperately wanted some jeans.
31. Not my lucky day for shopping [the opposite for Nina and Galuh. They got a very good jacket and cool jeans)
32. Heading to Brighton Center. Finally!!!
33. Quick stop to buy a french fries.
34. Queing (2 lesbians girl in front of us)
35. Bought the catalogue contain of Jamie Cullum's picture (£6)
36. T-shirt merchandise...Arghhhh....so cute!!
37. Waited...
38. Waited...
39. Bought a water w/ Deniz.
40. Got offended by 2 crazy guys.
41. Pee.
42. Sat on our chairs. Separated from Deniz.
43. Opening band : BEADY BELLE (good band!! Thought to buy their newest album)
45. On stage...live..!!! With a neat shirt (but then he took it off)
46. 4 girls behind us is a huge fan of Jamie Cullum. Non-stop screaming...and yelling "I love you, Jamie..." "Marry Me Jamie!!" [he replied : have you pick up d date, yet?!] "He's so..cute", and so on...the worst part...sing along with him.
47. But..yes, I do love Jamie...he's so gifted and talented.
48. Energetic performance, ecletic, unique, modern, contemporary, crazy and fun at the same time.
49. Jamie got an elephant doll from the fan. He kissed HER!! (Girls behind me yelled : "Bitch!!" Huahahha..)
50. Show was getting more H.O.T
51. Amazing...
52. Saw Nina. She was sleeping in the middle of a Jamie Cullum's concert.
53. ????
54. Recorded him...
55. He sang in the middle of the crowd nearly the end of the concert.
56. All d audiences stood up and standing near the stage.
57. Encore...encore...encore...!!
58. :( No more Jamie...to bad...
59. Satisfied.
60. Pee.
61. Talked about the show w/ d rest of us.
62. Called Mba Ria.
63. Felt hungry.
64. Stopped at "Golden Grill".
65. Got free pita bread and tomato rice (thanx Deniz..)
66. Slept all together on the floor. But it was fun...really..!!!
67. Woke up late, again.
68. Went to Thai restaurant.
69. Closed. Not opened yet. Liar!! It written open @ 11am. based on my watch it was already 11.10am
70. Got breakfast at vegetarian restaurant.
71. Nice breakfast!! Veggie sausages. Nyam..nyam..
72. Shameless in the train station.
73. Goodbye to Mbak Ria...Thanx you very much!
74. Changed train at Clapham Junction.
75. Changed train at Basingstoke (almost took the wront train. U...useless train officer!!!)
76. Arrived at Bournemouth.
77. Hiks...it was over...
78. Opened my room.
79. Checked mail.
80. The end.
In front of the Pavilion...

In the Chinese Restaurant...

Inside of Brighton Center...

It's Jamie Cullum Concert, everyone...

Here's Jamie...

Jamie's ass...

Sunday Breakfast...

Last but not least...More Jamie...

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