Bought myself a bouquet of flower 2 days ago. It's quite an enjoyable moment and thriling at the same time. For me, it felt like i'm going out for a 1st date with the guy that i adore so much. Funny, eh?! If you think about it, the matter is only about buying a flower, simple thing...but drive me crazy. Perhaps the other way to see it is imagining yourself when you were a little child. You desperately want a big sweet candy. Your saliva were dropping from your mouth, and suddenly...some angel came and gave you that lovely candy. The feeling of buying yourself a flower for d 1st time is very much the same with that old-time-sake feeling.
Well, once i received a flower from my boyfriend @ his graduation day. Basically it was not from him, but it was from his friend but then he gave it to me. That was the only flower that i received from him. I got the idea of buying the flower from ma flatmate (Deniz - red). When i entered her room, it felt like something more lively grew around her room. And one of d reason is one sweet bouquet flower.
I am proud of maself, now. Everytime i enter my room, i always smile because of that flower. My room became more colourful now...Yippy...
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